Friday 18 September 2015

Tag Rugby event
On Tuesday 22nd September, Year 5 pupils have been invited to participate in a Tag Rugby event, held at Oakwood Academy.  The event will consist of the children playing in a Tag Rugby tournament against other schools. It does not matter if your child has never played Tag Rugby, as all the rules will be explained by the staff running the event. As such, children will need to ensure that their OUTDOOR SCHOOL PE Kit,   is in school with them on Tuesday. The outdoor PE kit is to include plimsolls or trainers, joggers and a jumper/jacket. If your child has not got the correct equipment with them, they will NOT be able to attend the event.
As the event is due to start at 1:00pm, we will be leaving school at 12:30, to ensure we arrive at Oakwood in plenty of time. This will mean that children will need a packed lunch on this day, to ensure that we leave school on time. If you require your child to have a school packed lunch, as a free school meal, please let your child's class teacher know.
We are due to finish the event by 3:00pm, and aim to have arrived back at school by 3:20pm, but please be patient with us if we are running slightly late. Children are to be collected from their classroom door, not the school office.
Please return the reply slip from the bottom of the letter you received.
Many thanks
The Year 5 Team

Autumn 1 homework project
Find out as much as you can about the Middle Ages.
·      Who ruled the land?
·      What did people live in?
·      What was the peasants’ revolt?
Present your information however you like.  This might be as a poster, information booklet or PowerPoint presentation. Be creative!
Please hand this in at school on or before Monday 12th October.


Robin Hood

Our topic for the Autumn term is Robin Hood.  As part of this, we are looking at The Middle Ages in History and we have made Robin Hood hats in DT.  We are also visiting Nottingham Castle to find out more about Nottingham in The Middle Ages and the legend Robin Hood.  In English, we are writing our own version of the famous Robin Hood archery contest.