Friday 25 April 2014

Summer 1 - Homework Project

For this half-terms homework project - which is going to be taken to Columbia -  we would like you to create a project showing Five Things in my Pocket... This project should detail five things that you could have “in your pocket” that describe you as a person; things that you like, hobbies that you have, sports that you play, etc.
For example, if Mr. Shadbolt were doing this, he might have:
· A photograph of his son
· An Xbox controller, because he likes playing games
· A red pen, for marking children’s work
· A stop-watch to time himself when he goes running
· A bar of chocolate - his favourite sweet!
The items that you have “in your pocket” should be personal to you, and should tell someone else a little about the sort of person that you are!

 It is up to you how you present this project, but it needs to be something physical - please don’t make a PowerPoint or computer presentation! You can of course print things from a computer for Miss Blakesley and Miss Cooke to take with them, though!
Here are some ideas for ways that you could present your “five things”:
1. Make a poster! Design a poster that shows the five things that you’ve have in your pocket. Draw pictures of them,  or take photos and stick them on to your  poster. Explain WHY you have these things in your pocket - why do they       represent you? How are they important to you?
2. Sew an actual pocket from material and place five photos of your “things”       inside! Write explanations on the backs of the photos, telling us why those things mean so much to you.
3. Create a collage! Find lots of pictures related to the five things in your pocket and glue them all down to make a picture.

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